Posii Philosophy

Empowering women to give strength and to feel strength is at the core of our very essence. It is the thread that weaves us together and it is through strength that we are unified.

Our mission is uncomplicated in nature: to support all women in connecting with their inner strengths and to empower them to lead bold, meaningful and kind lives.

Posii jewellery is a vehicle for the sharing of evidence-based psychological interventions that make a positive difference in the lives of women.

We are advocates for creating communities of women who celebrate the strength of themselves and others, and raise each other up.

Our jewels are created with intention, a heart on sleeve for our strengths, a silent nod to who we are and our very purpose. When we see the strengths in others they feel seen, they feel heard, they feel loved and empowered.

  1. Know Your Strengths.

Each and everyone of us have strengths. We believe by identifying and celebrating your strengths, you can create a life aligned with your values, hopes and dreams.

2. Feel Empowered.

Identifying your strengths and celebrating them empowers you to lead a more fulfilling life.

3. Empower Others.

Women empower women. In unity, we can reach our full potential. We believe in empowering you to bring the best out in women around you.

4. Pursue Passion and Dreams.

Our strengths help us to navigate through and overcome obstacles. They support us in seeing our potential and they drive us to strive for our dreams.

5. Together We Can.

Together we are stronger. When we see the strengths in others, we support each other to be our best.

6. Spread Positivity.

Every woman has the potential to spread optimism and goodness around

7. Make Your Mark.

Every interaction we have is an opportunity to leave another person feeling better than when we met them - happier. Hopeful. Inspired. More energised and uplifted.

8. Knowledge is Power.

For people to flourish they need to understand how to cultivate what is best within themselves. We believe everyone deserves to have access to reliable information that is helpful and empowering.

9. Do Good.

Women are models of humanity and have a unique role in creating a better world.

10. Promote Love, Kindness and Compassion.

The more that women use love, kindness and compassion, particularly in positions of power, the better the world will be.