Discover the secret to enhancing your strengths, every day with Posii’s magical jewellery. Which strength will you choose?

Posii’s 10 Launch Strengths

Welcome to Posii’s universally adored Strength wardrobe! Discover the power of Positive Psychology through this dazzling, QUICK AND EASY STRENGTH BUILDING JEWELLERY inspired by strong women from all ages and times! Each eye-catching colour represents your strength, and contains everything you need to action and grow your positive qualities. Posii jewellery is easy to choose, easy to use and easy to gift! From the stunning coral colour of the courageous and the captivating blue of the Wisdom, to the fun and sparkling pink of humour, which strength will you choose?

She is strong, brave and determined. She always steps up when she knows something is unfair or not right. She practices courage in everything she does, and uses it to propel herself forward and to face her fears head on. She dives right in.

She is energetic and magnetic, and she can light up a room with her infectious energy. She stands out in a crowd, and it’s rare she’s seen without a smile on her face. She is daring and challenges the status quo, always speaking from the heart and inspiring those around her. She is one of a kind.

She is smart, quick witted and goes with the flow. She doesn’t take life too seriously and has a humble yet confident attitude when it comes to viewing herself. She brings joy to others and is a favourite at the dinner table. She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.

She is generous and friendly, loving and considerate. She makes compassion, helpfulness and optimism look effortless. She sees others in the best possible light and always has something kind to say. She opens doors and hearts.

She is gentle, wise and still. She isn’t the loudest person in the room, but when she speaks, her audience is captivated and her opinion highly respected. She uses her compassion, common sense and insight like magical superpowers. She’s one smart cookie.

She knows the power of thanks, and gives it as often as she can. She knows that by expressing her gratitude it creates a force in the universe which shines brightly upon her as well as others. She never takes things for granted and lives everyday as if it was her last.

She’s one of a kind. She allows her creativity to run wild, never putting up walls or caging it, as she knows the moment she does this, her creativity will want to shrink away. She revels in her creativity, and uses it in her everyday life. She can light up a room.

Curiosity opens her heart to learning and gravitates to new experiences. She relishes in diving into new practices, and believes in the importance and power of knowledge. She understands that her curiosity is a gift that can never be taken away - and she inspires others to never stop questioning. She married adventure.

She is just and fair and shares love and kindness with anyone who crosses her path. She embodies the beautiful virtues of what humans can hold. She treats everyone equally and is one of the first people sought out when conflict arises. She cultivates optimism.

She is soft and supple, yet strong and sturdy. She is fierce and will always have your back, no matter what. She lets her love flow from every inch of her and encourages others to do the same. She wears her heart on her sleeve.